5 Tips on How to be Successful on Wayfair

Usually, I talk about all the things to be a successful Supplier on Wayfair.  Today, I want to take the opposite approach.  Let’s talk about what NOT to do.  

Poor Merchandising

  • I define poor merchandising as having only 1 silhouette on a white background, 2-3 bullet points, and a product title that does not say what the product is and ZERO SEO terms. 

Small Assortment

  • Do you have less than 50 items on site?  If so, your assortment is too small to be meaningful on Wayfair.

Out of Stock on Top Sellers

  • It is simple math.  No stock on top sellers, no sales.

Do Not Participate in Promotions

  • Here’s a little known fact.  Suppliers who participate in promotions tend to grow their sales at TWICE the rate of Suppliers who don’t participate.

Not Priced Competitively

  • This is the NUMBER ONE reason Suppliers are not successful on Wayfair.  They have priced their products out of the market.  Like it or not the E-Commerce Sales Channel is very price sensitive.  

Ok, so now you know what NOT to do.  Let’s talk about the things TO DO.


  • Best in Class Merchandising includes multiple images (silhouette, life style, close ups, dimensional drawings) 

  • It also includes a minimum of 6 bullet points with SEO terms.

  • In addition, create an SEO rich romance description and strong SEO rich Product Title.

Small Assortment

  • The most successful Suppliers have at least 100 products in their product catalog.  

  • It is a numbers game.  More products lead to more sales.

Stay In Stock

  • I know that may sound like the dumbest thing ever to have to say. But, you have no idea how common this is!  Use the 80-20 rule.  Stay in stock on the 20 items that do 80% of the business.  Boom!  Instant sales boost.

Participate in Promotions

  • As I said this is the fastest way to increase sales.

Only sell products that you can price to win.

  • I get that everyone needs to make their margins but, that also means not every product should be sold online.  

  • It is much more effective to do a competitive pricing analysis to determine what products you should sell online.

If you want to learn more about how to become a successful Wayfair supplier CLICK HERE to schedule a call.