Consistency Brings in Profits

Around our office we are fond of saying Consistency is One of the Keys to Success.  Consistency brings clarity and control to Brands. But, how is consistency demonstrated in the eCommerce landscape?  The answer is your LISTINGS!

Listing inconsistency is a problem for virtually every supplier.  Why? 

Well, accounts were opened at different times.  Brands have built their eCommerce Sales Channel over time.  This means not every item is listed with each internet retailer.
The listing requirements change from year to year.  The amount of information that is now required for an item listed online has grown exponentially.  Not only is a brand required to list product name, dimensions, and a description now, we have to include key search terms, romance copy, attributes, the list goes on.

Multiple team members are setting up the listings. Given the average length that an employee stays with an organization is two years.  It is extremely likely that several team members have created the content and uploaded product information from the beginning.

How does a Brand compat Online Listing Inconsistency?  Simple, perform an account audit at least twice a year on all of the accounts.  Pro-Tip: Keep your product information, copy and content all in one place. It may seem old school but, RSG Sales creates Master Spec Sheets for all of our clients.  This way the data is conveniently stored all in one place and each item contains all of the same relevant information. It allows us to perform account cross references easily and effectively.

Why should a Brand care if their listings are consistent?  Sales! Eighty-eight percent of consumers use product listings as the determining factor when purchasing.  A brand has 7 seconds to convince the customer to purchase. Keeping your listing content consistent from platform to platform will increase the rankings in all algorithms.  
Don’t leave money on the table.  Perform online listing audits at least twice a year.